A Complete Guide To Layering With Oversized T-Shirts For Men

Layering t-shirts is a stylish way to wear a simple wardrobe essential while adapting your look for different weather and occasions. And come on, who wouldn’t want to rock the relaxed, unbothered vibes of the grunge bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam?

Oversized t-shirts for men are intentionally designed to have a looser, more relaxed fit than their traditional counterparts. To make them more fashion-forward, you could layer them with other items, like button-downs, sweaters or cardigans, and jackets. 

So if that’s your jam, continue reading as we share some styling tips for layering with oversized t-shirts for men. But let’s start with basics: 

What is layering oversized t-shirts?

You might have missed layering if you’re not involved in the 90s and early 2000s’ hip-hop and grunge scene. Or if you did not grow up belting to indie and alt rock. Layering means wearing multiple pieces of clothing on top of each other. Think oversized t-shirt under a flannel. 

While oversized t-shirts for men are comfy and cute on their own, layering allows you to dress up. In this case, the baggy shirt becomes the main piece of your outfit, but not your entire outfit. 

Now, why would you want to layer your baggy shirts?

  • Upgrade from basic: If you want to upgrade from a casual to intentionally stylish look without changing your clothes, layer it up! 
  • Seasonal: Why should you ditch the comfort of oversized shirts in winter? Layering the oversized t-shirt with a flannel shirt or jackets makes it warmer (and classier). 
  • Adaptable: Your everyday oversized t-shirt becomes a posh outfit when you combine it with a leather jacket and statement neck chain. 
  • Show-off: Layering lets you showcase your style. Choose colours, textures, and additional pieces that reflect your personality — edgy, classic, preppy, etc.

Bonus: Layering helps you create trendy new outfits with items you already own — budget-friendly fashion for the win!

How to layer oversized t-shirts for guys

The oversized trend is huge right now, making it easy to find great t-shirt options and inspiration. In this section, we’ll share some of the best styling tips for layering t-shirts

Strategic Additions

It’s all about the extras when it comes to layering. Here’s what you can experiment with:

  • Open button-down: Make your favourite baggy tee fashionable by wearing it with a plaid flannel or a chambray shirt. It’s enough to give off those effortless look vibes. Brownie points if the colour of your shirt matches your tee.
  • Sweaters: Grab a chunky knit sweater or a zip-up hoodie, or even a cardigan for a cozy and retro vibe. Just remember the look should be balanced — if your oversized tee is loud and graphic, go for a plain, solid-coloured sweater.
  • Jackets: We’re talking denim jackets, classic bombers, or even a cool leather biker number. For example, you could pair your denim jacket and oversized tee with jeans and sneakers for a classic cool look. 
  • Trench coats: Think plain oversized t-shirt with fitted black pants, and an unassuming beige trench coat for a classy look. And if you want to add some pizzazz to this outfit, toss in a chunky pair of white sneakers. 
  • Hoodies: We’re thinking — an oversized tee paired with basketball shorts, and a hoodie — either tie it around your waist or casually sling it over a shoulder.  
  • Another tee: Go for that 90s streetwear look by layering an oversized t-shirt over a long-sleeved tee in a contrasting colour. Pair the outfit with a messenger bag if you’re heading to school or uni.

Play with contrasts

When we say contrasts, we mean both in terms of colour and size; here’s how: 

  • Lengths: An oversized t-shirt looks great peeking out below a shorter jacket or a cropped sweater. 
  • Textures: Combine the softness of your baggy t-shirt with rougher jackets like corduroy jackets, leather vests, or quilted bomber jackets
  • Formal vs. Casual: You could also go for a juxtaposition of dressy and relaxed — combine an oversized graphic tee with fitted blazers or dressy trousers or dark-wash jeans.

Layering Mistakes to Avoid

You can’t go much wrong with oversized t-shirts in general, but while layering you could end up creating a fashion faux pas. Here’s how to sidestep them: 

  • Too much volume: How much volume is too much? Well, if you’re losing your shape and looking bulky and sloppy, it’s too much. Balance your oversized tee with at least one fitted item, like a slim fit jeans or tucking the tee in your trousers. 
  • Clashing colours or patterns: We all love contrast, but don’t go too overboard with it. You don’t want to create an overwhelming look, so stick to one or two statement pieces in your outfit. 
  • Ignoring proportions: If you’re not careful, you could go overboard and lose the visually appealing look of your outfit. So counteract the bagginess with something fitted for a good proportion. Say, an oversized tee with a tailored jacket and pair of joggers.

Level up your look with layering

Oversized t-shirts for men offer endless style possibilities with layering. Upgrade your basic tee, stay warm, dress it up or down — dress according to your mood with the same oversized tee! 

The key is balancing the baggy with the fitted and playing with textures and colours. Ready to show off your layering skills? Snap a picture, tag the @thesouledstore, and become a part of our crew by signing up for the annual membership!  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What goes well with an oversized t-shirt?

Men can pair their oversized tees with skinny jeans or fitted chinos. They could also layer with jackets (denim, bomber, leather), open button-downs, and sweaters.

2. Can skinny guys wear oversized t-shirts?

Of course, you can! Just go for slightly oversized tees instead of extremely baggy ones to maintain a flattering silhouette

3. How to tuck an oversized t-shirt for males?

One common way is the French tuck — tuck only the front of your shirt for a casual vibe. Or you could tuck the entire shirt in for a dressier look (the full tuck). But do consider a belt if you’re going for a full tuck. 

4. How many sizes are up for an oversized shirt?

Go at least two sizes up when you’re buying an oversized shirt — this should be enough to give that baggy feel. If it fits loosely over your waist and shoulders and is a couple of inches longer than your normal shirt, then you’re good to go.